Friday, October 10, 2008

Positive Real Estate & Stock Information

In light of the negative news in regard to the economy and real estate market, I thought I would try to put some good, positive information out there! What do you say? Would that be ok?! I thought so!

First and foremost, lenders are still open for business, we have money to lend....and rates are still historically low. David Bach, financial coach and author of the book The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner, among others has created a great 2 page document for us. In it, he gives some pretty good perspective on how real estate has historically been a very good investment. Email me at scott.wittig AT and I'll send it to you.

Also, this post gives some very good perspective on the losses that we are facing in the stock market.

By no means am I saying that things are great and we should have no worries, but if there is some good news to be had, let's spread it! As David Allen says, "We're all alone in this together."